Item 6-12714
Red means STOP! Red lights on the gate come on and the 9-1/2" gate lowers across the road when train approaches and while passingFor Fastrack layouts, be sure you have an accessory activator pak (6-12029) to activate this accessory. A 153 contactor is included for use with O and O-27 layoutsFor added realism install one on either side of the track ( only one accessory activator pak is required to operate both)Built just like the old postwar #252, this is probably the all time best selling accessory Lionel has produced. Every train layout should have one10.07.01.0321 For Fastrack users, you need the 6-14111 153IR Infrared Operating Controller, or 6-12029 Accessory Activator Pack. Both sold separately. |
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