Comprises of the following: BOOKS: 1) RAOA Commodity Classification 1928 Edition, 2) The Principles and Design of Foundation Brake Rigging, 3) The Story of the Brake Shoe, 4) Engineering and Design of Railway Brake Systems, 5) Constitution of the Grand Lodge Statutes (May 1967), 6) Constitution of the Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen (January 1959), 7) Constitution of the Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen of America (January 1943), 8) By-Laws Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen of America (Local #25 Newark, NJ), 9) Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen 1947 Time Book, 10) Personals Annual Time Recording Book (1949). PAPERWORK: 1) The Railway Educational Bureau (Omaha, Nebraska) Passenger Car Chart - Air Conditioned Chair Car chart 2) List of part numbers for the 8030 and 8031 Illinois Central and Canadian National respectivly, 3) Misc. papers. |