Item mth-30-4025-1
SET IS BEING SOLD FOR THE TRAIN PEICES ONLY NOT A RTR SET. TRACK AND TRANSFORMER ARE NOT INCLUDED. PRICES REFLECT THE CONDITION OF THE TRAIN AND WHAT IS INCLUDED. Set is used, tested, and working. Features:F40ph R-T-R Passenger train w/ProtoSounds: Amtrak F40ph Diesel 3 Amfleet Passenger Cars Engine: Directionally Controlled Headlight Intricately Detailed Diecast Body Metal Wheels and Axles Operating Metal Coupler Colorful Paint Scheme (2) Precision Flywheel Equipped Motors Track Varied Operating Headlight Proto Sounds All Metal Wheels and Gears Passenger Cars: Metal Wheels and Axles DieCast 4 Wheel Trucks Operating Die Cast Metal Couplers Colorful, Attractive Paint Schemes Fast Angle Wheel Sets Needle Point Axles illuminated cars and protosounds emulating the sounds of the real train. |

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