First full length catalog following World War 2. Paper pulp color catalog with 16 pages(Only Lionel catalog to open lengthwise until the 70's). A very simple catalog(mostly prewar carry over inventory)for the first real production line following the war, but still had some really great items. Twenty-three sets were available, ranging in price from $24.95 to $87.50. The only type of engine manufactured during this year was the steam engine. All the rolling stock was designed to operate on O27 or O Gauge tubular track. 1946 production consisted of a single line of compatible equipment that was signifcantly more detailed and realistic than Lionel's prewar tinplate production. Smoke and die-cast trucks with knuckle couplers the two features most publicized in 1946. But there were many new items. Such as; 726 Bershire, 2020 and 671 Turbines, 221 streamliner engine, 2411 flatcar with pipes, 2419 and 2420 work cabooses, 2460 crane car(early versions came with the scarce gray glossy cab), 3451 log car, 3459 ore dump, 2465 Sunoco two-dome tank car, 2454 boxcar, 3454 operating merchandise car, 2452 gondola, and more. In 1946, Lionel also introduced the ulimate in remote control, the 4109WS Electronic set, with the 671R frt. components(sold for $75, a huge amount). Also great sets included; 2114WS 726 Madison car pass set, 2115WS 726 Frt. car set, 2110WS 671 Madison car pass set, and many more. New accessories included, the 38 operating water tower, and 182 magnetic crane. The catalog also included the Lionel Chemistry sets. 1946 was a good sign of things to come. Truly one of the tougher Postwar catalogs to find in nice condition. Mint versions usually included an seperate price sheet. |