Item pw-1959cat adv.
44 page Dealer catalog from 1959(heavy stock paper with glossy print). The cover features the new 1872 General and 44 US Army Missile Launcher sets. This classic artwork cover is actually nicer looking than the version used on the regular consumer catalog. Features all the classic military(a huge part of the 59 Cold War ERA line), and freights for the year. Interesting catalog with the first four pages had foldout pages lengthwise(illustrating their best sets). Like all dealer catalogs, pages are designed and printed in black and white with different, so the dealer could use them for print ads in newspapers. The dealer catalog would have different illustrations than the consumer version. Also includes complete dealer promotion items listed for 1959(dealer displays, dealer layouts, dealer posters, catalog counter display, etc.). Also complete HO line, and track and transformers. Dealer catalogs are great reference piece to go along with the consumer version for the same year. Advance copies only saw a very limited run, and most dealers never received more than a couple copies. |
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