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Item pw-3460



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3460 heat-stamped in white serif lettering on red molded frame. A stamped steel black frame holds the vans in place. Bar end trucks. Only available in the 460 piggyback accessory unboxed - seperate sale box was not produced. Comes with two Lionel green vans with "FRUEHAUF" signs on rounded van end (frequently missing). The early version has "FRUEHAUF" in black letters on a metallic silver background, the later version has "FRUEHAUF" in silver letters on a black background. Van tops can be removed. Becoming somewhat of a rare car because the 460 was never a very popular item. This item has "LIONEL" trailers with no end signs.


18345EX 3460 FLAT CAR WITH LIONEL TRAILERS (1955 TO 1957) -> C-7 Excellent - Minute nicks or scratches; no dents or rust.

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